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Biological Grounding - Real or Hocus Pocus? Plagiarism Free Dissertation Help Christchurch

 Biological grounding involves standing barefoot on the ground. The idea being any residual static electricity will be drained off into the earth - like emptying out the battery, as it were. The idea has intuitive appeal. Who hasn't been zapped by a car door handle discharging static electricity, sometimes with an audible crack? Or, who hasn't taken off a shirt or blouse and heard the crackle of static discharge? The question is, is there any therapeutic benefit derived? This article explores what published science may have to offer to underpin the practice of grounding in the context of health and wellbeing.

A university library search on the term grounding yielded 183,000 peer-reviewed publications. The meaning of the word 'grounding' ranges from the devastating grounding of a naughty teenager to grounding an issue in the facts, and beyond. Another search, this time on biological grounding, narrowed the field to almost 31,000 peer-reviewed publications. The term biological earthing yielded a manageable 600 peer-reviewed publications to winnow. This article reports on many of these publications and their relevant linked publications. Plagiarism Free Dissertation Help Christchurch

So here's the theory highly simplified. Now we all know free radicals aren't a good thing. A free radical is missing an electron (and so is positively charged). When connected to the earth the earth supplies the electron to nullify the free radical. In 1994 Anisimov performed tests to show that the earth's surface is electrically charged.

Now, according to Rosalind Tan (2014) our bodies are electrically conductive. Charged ions and free electrons get good conduit via blood and other body fluids. Electrical charge builds up in people like a battery especially in a dry climate. Fuel truck drivers must discharge any possible likelihood of sparking, sometimes with wrist straps. The relevance here is that earthing or grounding a person is very much part of solid science.

Earliest and pioneering work was that of Dr White GS (1929). Ahead of his time he helped sleep deprived individuals by earthing their beds with copper wire.

In 2010 Clinton Ober et al claim in their book: "Earthing - The most important health discovery ever?" the following:

"Defuses the cause of inflammation and improves or eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders.

Reduces or eliminates chronic pain.

Improves sleep in most cases.

Increases energy.

Lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones.

Normalizes the body's biological rhythm

Thins blood and improves blood pressure and flow.

Relieves muscle tension and headaches.

Lessens hormonal and menstrual symptoms.

Dramatically speeds healing and helps prevent bedsores.

Protects the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields.

Accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity."

Ghaly & Tepliz in 2004 measured cortical (stress hormone) secretion during sleep of 12 subjects. The electric field of the subjects was measured and found to decrease as a result of earthing from an average over the 12 subjects from 3.270 V to 0.007 V. They concluded that earthing a person during sleep reduces night-time levels of cortisol so improving sleep.

Ib Andersen in 1965 remarked how a person could become electrically charged in relation to his surroundings merely by walking over a Nylon carpet. He added that an electric field may electrically induce a person, if:

"A person has a certain potential relative to the surroundings.

A person is at earth potential while free charges occur in the surroundings.

Both 1 and 2."

Christian Back (1967) an electrical engineer, devoted his book "Ions for breathing" to atmospheric electricity. The term 'ion' is ill defined like a rock can range from just bigger than the size of a grain of sand to massive asteroid size. The term stretches from atomic ions like household salt dissolved into Sodium cations and Chloride anions all the way to the larger aerosol size. He disserts the electric field in rooms around occupants and delves into the effect of ions on such people.


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